Tuesday, 21 April 2015

How To Make One Hell Of A Profit And Still Get To Heaven

Shanti Kate 78 Blog Spot

Recommended Reading...

Six months ago whilst being coached I was given this book by the coach, I read up to the part that is relevant for me currently financially and followed it to the letter. I don't know how but I have reduced my money owing to various lenders/friends by £2.5K, I haven't earned much extra money, my earnings are minimal but some how changing my financial mindset and systems by reading this book has changed the flow and what I am attracting.

I can't recommend it enough if you struggle with money, it is more to do with your thinking and how much you value you as a person. The universe is always responding to how much you value yourself.

Step by step lifetime habits can change :)

Dr John Demartini (Author) - he started out as a healer who want to help, ended up attracting all the people who wanted his services for free and ended up it A LOT OF DEBT. His money situation had to get get really painful until he said enough is enough.

"How To Make One Hell Of A Profit And Still Get To Heaven" Paperback – 1 Jul 2004 by Dr John Demartini (Author)

Shanti Kate 78
Transformational Coach,
Alternative Events UK,
Love Biodanza


Monday, 20 April 2015

The uncomfortable comfort zone...

Shanti Kate 78 Blog Spot

The uncomfortable comfort  zone...

After pushing myself for four days working, then waking up feeling emotional and tired I turn inwards. The questions “why am I doing what I am doing?” and “why am I pushing myself so hard to do what I am doing?” have been arising in me recently.

This morning I have allowed myself to stop, to breathe, to cry, to allow, to feel and then the realisation came. I have spent much of my life in flight & fight mode, in fact I am told that at my birth I did not want to come out, fighting with life itself right from the very start!

My childhood was materialistically safe, comfortable, well nurtured, however the family unit was emotional chaos with feelings of discomfort, of not being safe, of wanting to run away, with the flight mode engaged a lot of the time & if it wasn't the flight mode then it was fight mode.

I am beyond blaming my past for my current life/state, more intrigued how can I re-set myself to a healthy state of well-being, take responsibility for where I am at.  This morning I realise of course, my comfort zone is discomfort. Discomfort is the familiar, the feeling of not feeling safe is the comfort zone, feeling edgy & in survival mode. I consistently recreate what I have always known even if it appears and feel uncomfortable it is comfortable. Quite the paradox!

It’s a challenge to re-set patterns of a life time, the last three months have been a dance between pushing and surrendering. It’s like I am on the edge of trusting life but I can’t quite allow myself to fully trust and fall off the edge.

I have got the point of having enough of; pushing, fighting, struggle, competing, rising, challenge, of “doing” alone. I feel ready for being, to; allow, surrender, flow, dance, be seen and to be part of a circle, a collective.

At the moment, for me, it is a merry dance between the yang & yin, the masculine & feminine, but without really knowing the yin, the feminine, it can only be an unfolding of discovery.

With grace I fall into a new way of being, of letting life live me.

Shanti Kate 78
Transformational Coach,
Alternative Events UK,
Love Biodanza


Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Own your shit, the way to happiness...

Shanti Kate 78 Blog Spot

Own your shit, the way to happiness...

After a 10 day residential, transformational teacher training I received some positive feedback… “I love how you own your shit” I feel to share my insights from my own personal experience and transformation over the 10 days and years of practice (and continuing practice)….

Nobody can burst your bubble of bliss but they can trigger your response system which can adjust your feeling of natural bliss and guess what, you have the power to become aware of these responses…..judgments, anger, sadness, inner conflict and general mind projections can all be changed. This is taking responsibly (owning your shit) .…the ability to respond.

The mind is an amazing part of the human physiology, over the years of early development its filtration systems form and depending on different eco-factors (environment, family, society, schooling, friends) you will have a unique response system (possibly reaction system) as an adult. Everyone’s internal body mind mapping is different; the mind filters, categorises and sends information to the body creating an emotional response and thus a response or reaction.

The great news is if your eco-factors could have been improved as a child and your filtration system could be better as an adult you have the choice to become aware and change it. You can choose happiness through becoming aware of your thoughts, your emotional system and your behaviour.
Next time some information from the outer world rocks your inner world and you feel off centre, not in your natural state of bliss and contentment bring some awareness to the feelings you are experiencing, take a look your behaviour and examine your thoughts. Sit alone for a while, breath into your heart and ask yourself “is it true what I am thinking, how is what I am thinking making me feel, how am I behaving and do I have the choice to change?” Examine what your mind is filtering and projecting, breathe into the heart and ask “if I saw this situation from the heart how would it look & feel, how would I behave & what would I be saying”.

Keep breathing and keep moving down into the heart space, know that the world can be experienced and perceived from here. The aim is to realign the body mind back to a natural state of happiness, bliss, contentment. If you are feeling off centre know that the body mind is letting you know it is time to retreat inwards to become aware and re-balance.

Keep practicing coming back to the breath and heart, over time you will begin to notice that things that once triggered your system no longer do. You are slowly resetting your body mind programming (neuro-linguistic- programming, NLP) where it is needed. The breath and awareness are powerful tools for you to take responsibility for your happiness, well-being and sanity. It is up to you to use them J

Shanti Kate 78
Transformational Coach,
Alternative Events UK,
Love Biodanza
